
Time Zones Calculators

All nautical time zones and a chart that lists their zone descriptions, coordinates and suffix.

Time Zone

Time Zones

We've included a clock in the lower right of the screen that displays your desired time zone, a map that depicts all nautical time zones and a chart that lists their zone descriptions, coordinates, and suffix.

Time Zone Map

Time Zone Map

When you tap on the clock found in the lower right corner of the screen a map will display with a time zone overlay. To move the map, swipe or pinch to zoom. When you tap a yellow button, your clock will show the time for that time zone.

Time Zone Chart

Time Zone Chart

When you tap on the clock found in the lower right corner of the screen a map will display with a time zone overlay. To change to the chart mode, tap the icon to the left of the words "Select Time Zone." The icon will change from three lines to a globe. To switch back to map mode, tap the globe icon.


Aviation Mobile Apps, LLC
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